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The Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing require internal auditors to continuously improve their skills and knowledge and to monitor the developments in their profession.

This is why providing leading educational opportunities to internal auditors has been a top priority for PPS from the very beginning. A safe indication that proves the attention that PPS gives to education is that, educational services are provided exclusively by Mr. Pelekanakis.

Mr. Pelekanakis has significant educational experience both from his position as part-time professor of Auditing and Internal Auditing at the American College of Greece and through numerous seminars rendered in Greece and South East Europe.

Educational services are provided both in house and through open services rendered by PPS or its associates.
All the subjects covered by the seminars combine sound academic knowledge and practical experience of the instructor, in order to provide to participants practical knowledge that may be implemented in their everyday work.
The fact that Mr. Pelekanakis is simultaneously providing consulting and educational services, ensures that the seminars rendered will not turn out to be boring academic lectures but useful tools for professionals.

Internal Audit Seminars

Internal Audit Seminars provide a comprehensive methodology for undertaking internal audits in full compliance with the Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.

Other Internal Audit-related Seminars

PPS is providing seminars in specialized topics that are necessary for providing effective and efficient internal auditing services. The next paragraphs provide additional information on some indicative topics.

  • Computer Assisted Audit Techniques:

    It familiarizes participants with basic principles of IT Audits and it allows them to have a close look on audit tools that enable such audits (e.g. IDEA). Mr. Pelekanakis is Certified Information Systems Auditor and has IT Audits experience.

  • Internal Control:

    Audit for non-Auditors: Effective control and oversight is not a burden just for internal auditors but a fundamental task of every manager. The seminar is bringing to managers from every discipline, experience on internal control from the experts of the subject, internal auditors. Mr. Pelekanakis through his participation in Boards and his interaction with senior managers, knows perfectly what managers need in order to improve their audit-related skills.

  • Methodology and Practice for Control Self-Assessment:

    The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) has provided to its members in 1998 the opportunity to use an innovative way in order to assess the system of internal controls: Controls Self-Assessment (CSA). PPS is striving continuously to identify modern and effective methods of internal auditing and therefore it adopted a seminar that allows participants to identify this new viewpoint in evaluating controls and implement it in practice. Mr. Pelekanakis holds a professional certification in CSA offered by the IIA.

  • Statistical Sampling:

    A necessary tool for every modern internal auditor is statistical sampling. The need for sampling is imposed by resource limitations and every auditor needs to know how to effectively sample populations. The seminar is providing both a theoretical background on different statistical methods and numerous practical exercises that help participants to implement the methods on real-life situations.

  • Fraud Prevention – Detection – Investigation:

    Fraud related issues constitute a separate area of auditing and it generally accepted that dealing with fraud requires specialized skills and experience. The seminar intends to equip participants with the specialized knowledge and skills they need in order to deal with fraud but also to share extensive experience of the instructor on fraud investigation.

  • Collecting evidence & Communicating results:

    The two topics of the seminar touch critical parts of the audit work and deserve special attention from every auditor. Characteristic of this seminar is the plethora of practical examples and tips that help participants to understand and implement best practices in collecting their evidence and communicating the results of their work.

  • Corporate Governance:

    The concept of corporate governance is heavily debated for the last decade. The purpose of this seminar is to familiarize professionals from every discipline with good governance principles and to help organizations to adopt these practices in their daily operation. With small variations in the topics and the length of the seminar, it may accommodate the needs of Boards of Directors down to first level managers.

Preparation courses for C.I.A designation

The Certified Internal Auditor designation is by far the best investment an internal auditor may undertake for his/her career and professional development. The CIA designation is offered by the Institute of Internal Auditors and distinguishes its holders as competent and leading professionals in internal auditing. PPS is offering preparation courses for the exams of CIA in Greece and South-East Europe.


Experience of PPS on establishing and improving systems of internal control has proven that a serious obstacle in such an effort is changing the culture and perception of the organization around internal audit.

A way to assist its customers to implement the principles of modern internal auditing, PPS is providing presentations that focus in explaining the benefits of a modern approach on internal control.

Presentations are held exclusively by Mr. Pelekanakis and are addressed both to senior management (Board of Directors), executives and line employees. The positive effect of these presentations is realized soon as it generally accepted that we should not only create something but also properly market it to interested parties. Directors of Internal Audit have found these presentations extremely helpful in delivering the message across their organizations.